AA always afloat 始终保持浮泊 
  a.a.r. against all risks 保一切险 
  AC account current 往来账户 
  A/C for account of 为…代销 
  Acc. Acceptance; accepted 接受 
  ACCDG According to 根据 
  ACCT Account 账,因为 
  ACOL After completion of lading 装货结束后 
  a.d. a/d After date 在指定日期后 
  ADDCOM Address commission 回扣佣金 
  Add-on …tariff(also proportional rate or arbitrary[in USA]) 费率(美国对非基本港口附加费) 
  Ad val.(a/v) ad valorem (according to value) 从价 
  AND European Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway 内河危险品国际运输欧洲规则 
  ADP Automated data processing 自动数据处理 
  ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road 公路危险货物运输欧洲协定 
  ADV Advise 告知 
  AETR European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport 从事国际公路运输车辆从业人员工作的欧洲协定 
  AFRA average freight rate assessment 平均运费指数 
  AFLWS As follows 如下 
  Agcy agency 代理公司 
  Agt agent 代理人 
  AGW All goes weight 一切顺利 
  a.g.w.t. actual gross weight 实际毛重(总重) 
  AHPS Arrival harbor pilot station 到达港口引航站 
  AIMS American Institute of Merchant Shipping 美国商船航运学会 
  AMT Air Mail Transfer 航空信汇 
  ANCH Anchorage 锚地 
  ANS Answer 回答 
  A.O. account of ………账上 
  AOH After office hours 工作时间外 
  A/or and/or 及/或者 
  A/P account paid 账目付讫B.A.C. bunker adjustment charge 燃油附加费 
AP Additional premium 附加保险费  
  approx. approximately 近似,约计 
  APS Arrival pilot station 到达引航站 
  A/R all risks (insurance) 一切险 
  Arr arrival 到达(到港) 
  Arrd. Arrived 已到达 
  A/s after sight 见票后付款(汇票) 
  A/S alongside 在旁(船边) 
  ASAP as soon as possible 尽快 
  ASBA Association of Shipbrokers and Agents,Inc. (美国)船舶经纪人和代理人协会 
  ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码 
  ASPS Arrival Sea Pilot Station 到达海区引航站 
  ASS associate 合伙人 
  ATA actual time of arrival 实际到达时间 
  ATD actual time of departure 实际离开时间 
  ATDNSHINC Any time,day,night,Sundays and holidays included 包括任何时间,白天,夜间,星期天和节假日 
  ATP Agreement for the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs 易腐食品国际运输公约 
  ATS All time saved 所有节省时间 
  ATSBE All time saved both ends 所有两港节省时间 
  ATSDO All time daved discharging only 所有卸货港节省时间 
  ATSLO All time saved lading only 所有装货港节省时间 
  Atty attorney 代理人,律师 
  auth authorized 授权的,许可的 
  Aux Auxiliary 辅助的,附件 
  av average 平均 
  AWB Air Waybill 空运单 
  AWTS All working time saved 所有节省的工作时间 
  AWTSBE All working time saved both ends 所有两港节省的工作时间 
  AWTSDO All working time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省的工作时间 
  AWTSLO All working time saved loading only 所有装货港节省的工作时间 
  B.A.F. bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费 
  Bags/BULK part in bags,part in bulk 袋装部分,散装部分 
  BB Ballast bonus 空航奖金(空放补贴) 
  BBB Before breaking bulk 卸货前 
  B.C. bulk cargo 散货 
  B/D bank (er‘s) draft 银行汇票 
  b.d.I. Both dates (days) inclusive 包括首尾两日 
  bdth. Breadth 宽度 
  Bdy. Boundary 边界 
  BENDS Both ends 两端(装货和卸货港) 
  B/G Bonded goods 保税货物 
  BIMCO Baltic International Maritime Conference 波罗的海国际航运工会 
  BIZ Business 业务 
  Bkge brokerage 经纪费,佣金 
  B/L bill of loading 提单 
  Blk. Bulk 散(装)货 
  Brl. Boiler 锅炉 
  BLT Built 建造 
  BOD Bunker of Delivery 交燃油 
  BOR Bunker of Redelivery 接燃油 
  BRL Barrel 桶(英,美容积单位) 
  B/S Bill of sale 卖契 
  BBS Basis 基础 
  BT Berth terms 泊位条款 
  BV Bureau Veritas(French Ship Classification Society) 法国船级社 
  B.W. bonded warehouse 保税仓库 
  Bxs. Boxes 盒,箱
CAC currency adjustment charge 货币(贬值)附加费 
  CAConf Cargo Agency Conference (IATA) 货物代理会议(国际航空运输协会) 
  CAD cash against documents 凭单据付款 
  CAF Currency adjustment factor 货币贬值附加费 
  CAP Capacity 容量,能力 
  CAPT Captain 船长 
  CAS currency adjustment surcharge 货币贬值附加费 
  CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement System (IATA) 货物结算系统(国际航空运输协会) 
  C.B. container base 集装箱基地 
  CBF Cubic Feet 立方英尺 
  c.& d. collection and delivery 收运费交货 
  c.b.d. cash before delivery 付款后交货 
  cbm cubic metre 立方米 
  cc charges collect 货到付款 
  CCL customs clearance 结关 
  CCS consolidated cargo (contaiver) service 集货(集装箱拼装货服务) 
  ccx collect 货到付款 
  C/D customs declaration 海关申报单 
  CEM European conference on goods train Timetables 货车时刻表欧洲会议 
  CEVNI European code for Inland Waterways 欧洲内河航道代码 
  CFM Confirm 确认 
  CFR Cost and freight (Incoterms) 成本加运费(国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  CFS container freight station 集装箱货运站 
  CGO Cargo 货物 
  C.H. carriers haulage 集装箱承运人接运 
  C.H.C. cargo handling charges 货物操作(装卸)费 
  Ch.fwd. Charges forward 运费等货到后由收货人自付 
  CHOPT Charterer’s option 租方选择 
  CHTRS Charterers 租船人 
    c.I.a. cash in advance 预支现金 
  CIF cost, insurance and freight (Incoterms) 到岸价(成本,保险费,运费) 
  c.I.f.& e. cost,insurance,freight and exchange 货价,保险费,运费,货币兑换 
  c.I.f.I. & e. cost,insurance,,freight,interest and exchange 货价,保险费,运费,利息兑换
  c.I.f. & I. Cost,insurance,freight, and interest 货价,保险费,运费,利息 
  c.I.f. & c. cost, insurance, freight and commission 货价,保险费,运费,佣金 
  c.I.f.c. & e. cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange 货价,保险费,运费,佣金,兑换 
  c.I.f.c. & I. Cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest 货价,保险费,运费,佣金,利息 
  c.I.f.I. & c. cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission 货价,保险费,运费,利息,佣金 
  c.I.f.L.t. cost, insurance and freight,London terms 货价,保险费,运费,伦敦条款 
  c.I.f.w. cost, insurance and freight plus war risk 货价,保险费,运费及战险费 
  CIM International Convention on the Transport of Goods by Railway 铁路货物运输国际公约 
  CIP carriage and insurance paid to 运费及保险费支付到…… 
  CIV International Convention on the Carriage of Passenger and Luggage by Railway 铁路乘客及行李运输国际公约 
  CKD completely knocked down (unassembled) 全部拆散的(非装配的) 
  Cl. Classification 分类,定级 
  CLC Civil Liability Convention 国际由于损害民事责任公约 
  clean B/L clean Bill of lading 清洁提单 
  cm centimeters(s) 公分(厘米) 
  cm3 cubic centimeter(s) 立方厘米 
  CMR Convention on the Contract for the International 国际公路货运合同公约 
  C/N consignment note 发货通知书 
  cnee consignee 收货人 
  cnmt/consgt consignment 托付 
  cnor consignor 发货人,委托人 
  C/O certificate of origin 产地证明书 
  COA Contract of Affreightment 包运合同 
  C.O.D. cash on delivery 货到付款 
  C.O.F.C. Container-on –Flat-Car (rail flatcar) 平板车装运集装箱 
  COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 海上货物运输法 
  COM Commission 佣金 
  CONS Consumption 消耗 
  CVGP customs value per gross pound 海关价值,每磅毛重 
  CWE cleared without examination 海关免验结关 
  cwt hundredweight 担,英=112磅 美=100磅 
  CWO cash with order 定货时付款/定购即付 
  CY container yard 集装箱堆场 
  cy currency 货币DOSP Dropping outward sea pilot 出港海区引航员下船  
  D/P documents against payment 付款交单 
  DPP Dirty Petroleum products 不洁石油产品 
  DSTN Destination 目的地(港) 
  DT Deep tank 深舱 
  DTG Distance to go 还要行使的距离 
  DTLS Details 细节 
  DWCC dead weight cargo capacity 货物载重量 
  DWT dead weight ton 载重吨 
  D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单 
  DAF Delivered at frontier (Incoterms) 边境交货(国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  DAP documents against payment 付款交单 
  D.A.S. delivered alongside ship 船边提货 
  DBE(W)ATS Dispatch payable both ends on (working )all time saved 支付两港所有节省(工作)的速遣费 
  DCAS Distribution Cost Anglysis System 费用分布分析系统 
  D.CL Detention Clause 滞留条款 
  D/CL. Deviation Clause 绕航条款 
  D/D Dry docking 进干船坞 
  DDO Dispatch discharging only 卸货港速遣 
  DDP Delivered duty paid (Incoterms) 完税后交货(国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  DDU Delivered duty unpaid (Incoterms) 未完税交货(国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  DELY Delivery 交付 
  DEM Demurrage 滞期(费) 
  DEP Departure 离开,开航 
  DES Delivered ex ship (Incoterms) 目的港船上交货(国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  DEQ Delivered ex quay (duty paid) (Incoterms) 目的港码头交货(完税货)(国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  DEV Deviation 绕航 
  DF Dead Freight 空舱费 
  DFP duty-free port 免税港 
  DHD Dispatch half demurrage 速遣费是滞期费的一半 
  Dia Diameter 直径 
  DISCH Discharge 卸货 
  DISPORT Discharge port 卸货港 
  dir. Direct 直接的 
  DLOSP Dropping last outward sea pilot 最后出港海区引航员下船 
  dm3 cubic decimeter(s) 立方分米 
  DO Diesel oil 柴油 
  DOCIMEL Document CIM Electronique (Electronic CIM document) CIM电子单证 
  D/O delivery order 提货单 
  DOP Dropping outward pilot 出港引航员下船
E.& O.E. errors and omissions excepted 错误和遗漏不在此限  
  DEI Electronic data interchange 电子数据交换 
  EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration,Commerce and Transport 行政管理,商业和运输业的电子数据交换 
  EDP electronic data processing 电子数据处理 
  e.g. for example 例如 
  EIR equipment interchange receipt (containers) 设备交接单(集装箱) 
  encl. Enclosure 附件 
  ERLOAD Expected ready to load 预计准备装货 
  ETA expected time of arrival 预计到达时间 
  ETB Expected time of berth 预计靠泊时间 
  ETCD Expected time of completion of discharge 预计卸货完成时间 
  ETD expected time of departure 预计离开时间 
  ETR Expected time of redelivery 预计还船时间 
  ETS expected time of sailing 预计开航时间 
  excl. excluding 扣除 
  EXW Ex works (Incoterms) 工厂交货FWC full loaded weight & capacity 满载重量和容量(集装箱)  
  FWD Forward 向前 
  fwdr. Forwarder 货物代理人 
  FWR FIATA Warehouse Receipt FIATA仓库收据 
  FYG For your guidance 供你指导 
  FYI For your information 给你提供信息 
  FYR For your reference 供你参考 
  FIATA FCR Forwarders Certificate of Receipt FIATA货运代理收货凭证 
  FIATA FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport FIATA货运代理运输凭证 
  FIATA SDT Shipper’s Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods FIATA托运人危险货物运输声明 
  FIATA SIC Shippers Intermodal Weight Certification FIATA托运人联运重量证明书 
  F.I.B. Free into barge 驳船交货 
  f.I.c. freight, insurance, carriage 运费,保险费 
  f.I.h. free in harbour 港内交货 
  f.I.o. free in and out 船方不负担装卸费用 
  f.I.o.s. free in and out stowed 船方不负担装卸费和理舱费 
  firavv first available vessel 第一艘可用船舶 
  FIS freight, insurance and shipping charges 运费、保险费和装船费 
  f.I.w. free into wagon 船方不负责装车费 
  FLT forklift truck 叉升式堆装机 
  FLWG Following 下达,下列 
  FM From 从,自 
  FO Fuel oil/Free out 燃料油/租船人承担卸货费,船东承担装货费 
  f.o. free out 船方不负担卸货费 
  FOB Free on board 船上交货,离岸价格 
  F.O.C. flags of convenience 方便旗船 
  F.O.D. free of damage 损害不赔 
  FONASBA The Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents 全国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联盟 
  f.o.w. first open water 第一解冻日 
  F.P.A Free of particular average 平安险 
  FPAD freight payable at destination 到港支付运费 
  FR Flat rack (container) 平底集装箱 
  FRT Freight 运费 
  Frt.fwd. Freight forward 运费由提货人支付 
  Frt.ppd. Freight prepaid 运费预付 
  Frt.ton freight ton 运费吨 
  Ft foot (feet) 英尺 
  FW Fresh water 淡水 
  FWB non-negotiable FIATA Multimodal transport Waybill FIATA不可转让的多式联运运单 
  FAA free of all average 一切海损均不赔偿 
  FAC As fast as the vessel can receive or deliver 一船舶能接受货交付的尽快速度 
  f.a.c. fast as can (loading or discharge) 尽可能快的装卸 
  F.A.C. forwarding agent’s commission 货运代理佣金 
  FACCOP As fast as ship can load/discharge according to custom of port 根据港口习惯以船舶尽可能快的装/卸货 
  FAK freight all kinds 均一费率 
  FALPRO special Programme on Trade Facilitation (UNCTAD) 便利贸易特别项目(联合国贸发会议) 
  f.a.q. fair average quality 统货,大路货 
  FAS free alongside ship (Incoterms) 船边交货 (国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  FBL negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading FIATA可转让多式联运提单 
  FCA Free carrier (Incoterms) 货交承运人(国际贸易术语解释通则) 
  FCC first class charterers 一流的租船人 
  FCL full container load 整箱货 
  Fco. Franco;free 运费准免的 
  FD Freight and demurrage 运费和滞期费 
  FDND Freight,dispatch and demurrage defence 运费,速遣和滞期保护 
  FFI FIATA Forwarding Instructions FIATA运送指示 
  f.g.a. free of general average 共损不保 
  FHEX Friday and holidays excepted 星期五和节假日除外 
  FHINC Fridays and holidays included 包括星期五和节假日 
  f.I. Free in 船方不负担装货费 
  f.I.a.s. free in and stowed 船方不负担装货费和理舱费 
  FILO Free in Liner out 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费 
  FILTD Free in Liner terms discharge 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费 
  FIO Free in and out 租船人承担装/卸货费 
  FIOS Free in and out and stowed 租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装费 
  FIOST Free in and out and stowed and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货、堆装和平舱费 
  FIOT Free in and out and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货和平舱费
G.A. general average 共同海损  
  G.A.A. General Average Agreement 共同海损担保 
  G.A.C. general average contribution 共同海损摊款 
  G.B.L. Government Bill of Lading 政府海运提单 
  G.C. general cargo 杂货 
  G.C.R. general cargo rates 杂货运价 
  GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值 
  gds goods 货物 
  GFA General Freight Agent 货运总代理人 
  GLESS Gearless 无装卸设备 
  GMT Greenwich Meantime 格林威标准时间 
  GNP gross national product 国民生产总值 
  GRD Geard 有装卸设备 
  GRT gross registered tonnage 总登记吨 
  gr wt gross weight 总重,毛重 
  GSA General Sales Agent 销售总代理 
  GST goods and services tax 货物和服务税IAC Including address commission 包括回扣佣金  
  I.a.w. in accordance with 按照,根据 
  I.C.C. Institute Cargo Clauses (伦敦保险协会货物保险条款)简称协会货物险条款 
  ICD inland clearance depot 集装箱内陆验关堆场 
  IFO Intermediate fuel oil 1000秒燃油 
  IGS Inert gas system 惰性气体系统 
  IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 国际海运危险品符号 
  IMM Immediately 立即 
  IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 
  In. inch(es) 英寸 
  incl. Including 包括…………在内 
  INCOTERMS Standard conditions for sale and delivery of goods (issued by ICC, Paris) 国际贸易术语解释通则(巴黎国际商会发出通知) 
  info information 通知 
  INMARSAT International Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织国际公约 
  ins Insurance 保险 
  INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners 国际独立油轮船东协会 
  INTRM intermediate point 中途点 
  inv invoice 发票 
  I.P.A. including particular average 包括单独海损 
  ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数字网 
  ITF International Transport Workers Federation 国际海运劳工联盟 
  IWL Institute Warranty Limits 协会保证区域限制 
  IAC Including address commission 包括回扣佣金 
  I.a.w. in accordance with 按照,根据 
  I.C.C. Institute Cargo Clauses (伦敦保险协会货物保险条款)简称协会货物险条款 
  ICD inland clearance depot 集装箱内陆验关堆场 
  IFO Intermediate fuel oil 1000秒燃油 
  IGS Inert gas system 惰性气体系统 
  IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 国际海运危险品符号 
  IMM Immediately 立即 
  IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 
  In. inch(es) 英寸 
  incl. Including 包括…………在内 
  INCOTERMS Standard conditions for sale and delivery of goods (issued by ICC, Paris) 国际贸易术语解释通则(巴黎国际商会发出通知) 
  info information 通知 
  INMARSAT International Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织国际公约 
  ins Insurance 保险 
  INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners 国际独立油轮船东协会 
  INTRM intermediate point 中途点 
  inv invoice 发票 
  I.P.A. including particular average 包括单独海损 
  ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数字网 
  ITF International Transport Workers Federation 国际海运劳工联盟 
  IWL Institute Warranty Limits 协会保证区域限制
kg(s) kilogram(s) 千克  
  km kilometer 公里 
  km.p.h kilometers per hour 每小时公里 
  km2 square kilometer 平方公里 
  kn knot(s) 海里,节(航速单位) 
  kW kilowatt 千瓦 
  KWh kilowatt-hour 千瓦/小时 
  KWS knots 节/海里L/A Lloyd’s agent 劳埃德保险公司代理人  
  LASH lighter aboard ship 载驳货船/子母船 
  Lat.,lat Latitude 纬度 
  LAYCAN Laydays and canceling date 船舶受载期和解约日 
  lb(s) pound(s) 磅 
  L/C Letter of credit 信用证 
  L/D Loading and discharging 装货和卸货 
  l.& d. loss and damage 灭失和损坏 
  l.& u. loading and unloading 装和卸 
  LCL less than container load (less than car load) 拼装箱货,拼装车货(零担货) 
  LDG Loading 装货 
  LEL lower explosive limit 最低爆炸点 
  LFL lower flammable limit 最低燃点 
  lgt. Long ton; long tons 长吨 
  LIFO Liner in free out 船东承担装货费,租船人承担卸货费 
  liq. Liquid 液态 
  Lkg/Bkg leakage & breakage 漏损和破损 
  LNG Liquefied natural gas 液化天然气 
  L.O.A. length over all 全长 
  LO/LO lift on .Lift off 吊上吊下方式 
  loc. Local;location 当地的,定位 
  LOI Letter of Indemnity 保函 
  Long., long longitude 经度,经线 
  LPG Liquefied petrochemical gas 液化石油化学气 
  LSD landing,storage and delivery charges 卸货,存储和交货费 
  L.T. local time 当地时间 
  L/T liner terms 班轮条款 
  LTBENDS Liner terms both ends 船东承担装货和卸货费 
  ltr. Lighter 驳船 
  LUBOIL Lubrication oil 润滑油 
  lump lump sum 包干费M Minimum (rate classification) 起码(费率等级)  
  m metre (s) 公尺 
  m3 cubic metre (s) 立方米 
  MACH modular automated container handling 定型自动化集装箱搬运 
  MARPOL Maritime Agreement Regarding Oil Pollution of Liability 有关油污责任的海运协定 
  mat material 资料 
  MAWB Master Air Waybill 航空主运单 
  MDO Medium diesel oil 混合柴油 
  Mdse Merchandise 商品 
  MED Mediterranean 地中海 
  MEGC’s Multiple Element Gas Containers 多元化气集装箱 
  MFN Most Favoured Nation 最惠国 
  M.H. Merchants Haulage (集装箱)货方接运 
  MIA Marine Insurance Act 海上保险法 
  M/R mate’s receipt 大副收据 
  M+R Maintenance and repair (center) 维修保养(中心) 
  Mi mile(s) 英里 
  MOLCO More or less owner’s option 船东选择或多或少 
  MOS Months 月 
  msbl missing bill of lading 丢失的提单 
  msca missing cargo 丢失的货物 
  MT motor tanker 内燃机油轮 
  MTD multimodal transport document 多式联运单据 
  MTO multimodal transport operator 多式联运经营人 
  M/S motor ship 内燃机船 
  M/V motor vessel 内燃机船(柴油机船)
N normal (rate classification) 标准(运价等级)  
  NA Not applicable 不适用 
  NAABSA Not always afloat but safely aground 不永远飘浮,但安全坐浅 
  NAOCC Non Aircraft Operating Common Carrier 无航空经营权的公共承运人 
  NAWB Neutral Air Waybill (forwarders Air Waybill) 航空货运代理运单 
  NB Please note 请注意 
  NCV non customs (commercial) value 无商业价值 
  NDCAPMQS No dead freight for charterer’s account provided minimum 租船人若提供最小货量也不负担空舱费 
  n.e.s. not elsewhere specified 未列名 
  NGO non governmental organization 非政府组织 
  NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japanese Ship Classification Society) 日本船级社 
  n.l.t. not later than 不迟于 
  n/n non-negotiable 不能转让的 
  N.,No,Nr. Number 编号 
  N/O no orders 无定单 
  n.o.e. not otherwise enumerated 未列举 
  n.o.p. not otherwise provided 未规定 
  n.o.r. not otherwise rated 未定费率 
  NORA Notice of Readiness accepted 接受装卸准备就绪通知书 
  NORT Notice of Readiness tendered 递交装卸准备就绪通知书 
  NORT&A Notice of Readiness tendered and accepted 递交和接受装卸准备就绪通知书 
  n.o.s. not otherwise specified 未列名 
  N/R(NOR) note of readiness 备妥通知书 
  NRT net registered ton 登记净吨 
  nt wt net weight 净重量 
  NV Det Norske Veritas (Norwegian Ship Classification Society) 挪威船级社 
  n.v.d. no value declared 无申报价值 
  NVOCC Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人 
  NWS New World Scale 新世界油轮费率本OA Overage 超龄  
  OAAOOP On arrival at or off the port 到达港内或港外 
  OBO Oil/Bulk/Ore Carrier 石油,散货,矿石三用途船 
  O.B.S. Oil Bunker Surcharge 燃油附加费 
  OB/L Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单 
  O/D on deck 甲板货 
  ODS operating differential subsidy 营运补贴 
  OFA ocean freight agreement 海运运价协议 
  ONRS Owners 船东 
  O.R. owner’s risk 船东所有人承担风险 
  O.R.B. owner’s risk of breakage 船东空舱风险 
  O.R.D. owner’s risk of damage 船东货损险 
  O.R.F. owner’s risk of fire 船东火险 
  OT open top (container) 开顶式集装箱 
  O/T Overtime 加班 p.a per annum (per year) 每年  
  P.A particular average 单独海损 
  Para paragraph 段落 
  payt payment 支付 
  P.B.A. paid by agent 代理人支付 
  P & D pick up and delivery 接运和支付 
  P. & I. Protection and Indemnity Association 保赔协会 
  P. & I. Clause Protection and indemnity clause 保赔条款 
  P. & L. profit and loss 损益表 
  P/C Paramount Clause 首要条款 
  PC Part cargo 部分货物 
  p.c.f. pounds per cubic foot ………磅/每英尺 
  pct percent 每百,百分之 
  P.chgs. Particular charges 特别费用 
  pd. Paid 已付的 
  p.D. partial delivery 零批交货 
  PDPR Per day pro rata 每天按比例 
  p.h.d. per hatch per day 每天每个舱口 
  pkg package 件 
  P/L partial loss 部分损失 
  PLP parcel post 邮件 
  PLS Please 请 
  PLTC port liner term charges 港口班轮条款费用 
  PM Premium 保险费 
  PMT Per metric ton 每公吨 
  pmt prompt 迅速的 
  P/N promissory note 期票 
  P/O purchase order 订单 
  P.O.B. post office box 邮政箱 
  P.O.D. payment on delivery; paid on delivery 交货时付款 
  POD port of discharge 卸货港 
  POL port of loading 装货港 
  pp/ppd prepaid/prepaid 预先付讫的 
  PPT Prompt 即刻 
  p.t. per ton 每吨 
  ptly pd partly paid 部分已支付 
  p.t.w. per ton weight 每重量吨
Q Quantity (rate classification) 数量(费率等级)  
  Q.c.o. Quantity at captain’s option 数量由船长确定 
  qlty Quality 质量 
  qty Quantity 数量 
  Qn Quotation 引证 
  q.v. quod vide (which see) 见该项R reduced class rate (rate classification) 降低等级费率  
  rcpt receipt 收据 
  rcvd received 收讫(发票) 
  r/c return cargo 回程货 
  RCU rate construction unit 运价结构单位 
  RD Running days 连续 
  RE Refer to/Regarding 有关 
  RECAP Recapitulation 概括 
  red. Reduced 降低 
  REDEL Redelivery 交还 
  ref reference 参考 
  rep representative 代表 
  Rentcon rent-a-container 租一个集装箱 
  rest. Restrict(ed) 限制,受限制的 
  retd. Returned or retired 返回的或退休的 
  RGDS Regards 问候 
  R.I. Reinsurance 分保 
  RID International regulations concerning the International carriage of dangerous goods by rail 国际铁路运输危险货物国际规则 
  RMD Rhine-Main-Danube Navigation System 莱茵河-梅恩河-多瑙河航行制度 
  RNR rate not reported 费率未公布 
  R/O routing order 常规顺序 
  ROB Remaining on board 遗留船上 
  ROC Refer to our telex 参阅我们的电传 
  R.O.G. receipt of goods 货物收据 
  RO/RO Roll-on/roll-off 滚动装卸运输 
  round C/P round charter party 双程租船合同 
  r.t.b.a. rate to be arranged 费率另议(费率按协议) 
  Ry. Railway 铁路 
  RYT Rerfer to your telex 参阅你们的电传S srucharge (rate classification) 附加费率  
  SB Safe berth 安全泊位 
  SBT Segregated ballast tank 分割压载舱 
  S/C surcharge 附加费率 
  s & c shipper and carrier 托运人和承运人 
  S.& F.A. shipping and forwarding agent 海运和货运代理 
  SCHDL Schedule 时间表 
  SCR specific commodity rate 特殊商品费率 
  S.d small damage 小额损失 
  SDR Special Drawing Right 特别提款权 
  SF Stowage factor 积载因素 
  SHEX(SSHEX) Sundays and Holidays excluded 星期日和节假日除外 
  SHEXEIU Sundays and Holidays excepted even if used 即使使用,星期日和节假日亦除外 
  SHEXUU Sundays and holidays excepted unless used 除非使用,星期日和节假日除外 
  SHIPT Shipment 货载 
  sld sailing date 开航日期 
  s.l.& c. shippers’load and count 托运人装箱计数 
  SLI shippers letter of instruction 托运人说明书 
  S.O.L. shipowner’s liability 船舶所有人的赔偿责任 
  SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea 海上人命安全 
  SP Safe port 安全港 
  S.P.A. subject to particular average 以单独海损为条件 
  SPD Speed 航速 
  sq.cm(s) square centimeter(s) 平方厘米 
  sq.in(s) square inch(es) 平方英寸 
  SRCC strike, riots,civil commotions 罢工、暴乱和内乱 
  S/S steamship 轮船 
  STOA Subject to Owner’s approval 有待船东批准 
  stvdrs Stevedores 装卸工 
  SUB Subject to 有待于 
  sub L/C subject to letter of credit being opened 以开出信用证为条件 
  sub licence subject to licence being granted 以领到许可证为条件 
  SW Salt water 海水 
  SWL Safe Working Load 安全工作负责
  ton 吨 
  TACT the air cargo tariff (IATA) 空运费率表 
  TBL through bill of lading 联运提单 
  TBN to be named (ship) 将被指定的(船) 
  T/C time charter 期租合同 
  TC traffic conference area (IATA) 区域运输公会(国际航空运输协会) 
  TCT Time charter on trip basis 航次定期租船 
  TD time of departure 开航时间 
  TEU Twenty foot equivalent unit (containers) 20英尺集装箱 
  THRU Through 通过 
  TIF International transit by rail 铁路国际运输 
  TIP Taking inward pilot 进港引航员上船 
TKS Customs Convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR carnets (for international road transport) 感谢 
  TL total loss 全损 
  TLECON Telephone conversation 电话谈论 
  TLF tariff level factor 运价水平系数 
  TLX Telex 电传 
  tnge tonnage 吨位 
  T.O.D. time of dispatch 离港时间 
  TOFC Trailer on flatcar 平板车载运带拖车的集装箱 
  T.O.R. time of receipt 接收时间 
  tot terms of trade 贸易条款 
  tot. total 全部的 
  TOVALOP Tanker owners’ voluntary agreement concerning liability for oil pollution 油轮船东资源承担油污责任协定 
  TOW tier on weight (container stacking according to weight) 按照重量顺序堆放集装箱 
  TPND theft,pilferage, non delivery 盗窃提货不着险 
  tr tare (货物的)皮重 
  T/S Transshipment 转运 
  TT Telegraphic transfer 电汇 
  TTL Total 总额u.c. usual conditions 通常条件  
  U.D. under deck 甲板下,舱内 
  U.DK upper deck 上甲板 
  ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier (oil) 超大型油船 
  ULD unit load device (aircraft) 成组运输方式(飞机) 
  U/w Underwriter 保险人val. Value 价值  
  VAT value added tax 增值税 
  V.C. vessels convenience 方便船 
  Ves. Vessel 船舶 
  VIC Very Important Cargo 重要货物 
  VIO Very Important Object 重要物品 
  VIP Very Import Person 重要人物 
  VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier (oil) 巨型油船 
  VOCC Vessel Operating Common Carrier 经营船舶公共承运人 
  vol volume 量,容量 
  VSL Vessel 船舶 v.v vice versa 反过来(也是这样)XPNS Expenses 费用  
  YAR York-Antwerp Rules 约克-安特卫普规则 
  yd yard 堆场 
  yday yesterday 昨天 
  y/l your letter 你的函件 
  y/o your order 你的订单 
YR Your/Year 你的年份Warsaw Convention convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air (1929)  1929年在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》  
  W.A. with average (Institute Cargo Clause) 基本险,水渍险,承保单独海损(英国保险协会货物险条款) 
  W/B Way- bill 运单 
  w.b.d. will be done 将完成 
  w.c.c.o.n. whether cleared customs or not 清关与否 
  W/d working day (s) 工作日 
  wdt/wth width 宽(度) 
  w.e.f. with effect from 从(时间)开始有效 
  WFPON Whether in free pratique or not 不论是否检疫 
  WG Working Group 工作组 
  wgt weight 重量 
  WHD Per working hatch per day 每天每工作轮 
  whf wharfage 码头费 
  Whse warehouse 仓库 
  WHTC Worldscale hours terms and conditions 世界油船(基本)费率表时间条款和条件 
  WIBON Whether in berth or not 不论是否靠泊 
  WIPOM Whether in port or not 不论是否在港内 
  wk.week 星期 
  w/m weight/measurement 重量/体积 
  W/O,w/o without 没有 
  WOG Without guarantee 不作保证 
  WP Weather permitting 晴天允许工作 
  w.p.a.with particular average 单独海损险 
  W.R. Warehouse Receipt 仓库收据 
  W.R.T. War Risk Insurance 战争险 
  WS Worldscale (Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale ) 世界油船(基本)费率表 
  wt. Weight 重量 
  w/t weight tons 重量吨 
  WTS Working time saved 节省的工作时间 
  w/v weight/volume 重量/体积 
  WW warehouse warrant (仓库)栈单 
  ww world-wide 全世界的 
  Wwd weather working days 晴天工作日 
  WWDSHEX Weather working days Sundays and holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外 
  WWDSHINC Weather working days Sundays and holidays included 晴天工作日,包括星期天和节假日 
  WWR Where when ready 准备就绪的地点和时候


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